As part of the European Recycling Platform, the first Pan European platform of Electrical and Electronic Waste (WEEE) management, ERP Portugal was constituted in 2005 by the initiative of four large companies from the production sector – Electrolux, Hewlett-Packard, Procter & Gamble and Sony.
ERP Portugal is a private law non-profit association, licensed as a compliance scheme by the Portuguese Government to manage Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Dispatch nº 5258/2018, of May 25) and Waste of Batteries and Accumulators (WB&A) (Dispatch nº 11275-A/2017, of December 22).
Since 2005, more than 2650 Collection Points of the current ERP Portugal´s network, distributed throughout the country, collected a total amount of more than 170 thousand tons WEEE and WB&A, achieving the targets imposed by its permits.
In 13 years of activity and characterized by synergies in the provision of integrated services, ERP Portugal has kept up with Europe and the rest of the world in terms of creating measures in favour of environmental preservation and sustainability, assuming, in a short period of time, a relevant role in the Portuguese society in terms of WEEE and WB&A management.